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Cattle Producers Feed Shortage Meeting in Gladstone

Cattle producers will be interested in a series of meetings organized by Manitoba Agriculture that are being held in the most feed-deficient areas of the province.
It's meant to help give producers ideas to help winter their cattle this winter. 
"One was held Tuesday in Gladstone at the Gladstone Community Centre.," says Manitoba Agriculture Livestock Specialist Shawn Cabak. "There were three presentations, covering everything from cattle nutrition to ration balancing using feed alternatives, and then calculating the economics to then pay for it."
He says everyone was invited and did not require prior registration.
"There are two presentations given by livestock specialists covering major and minor feedstuffs that are available in Manitoba, and what the pros and cons are of each different feedstuffs when you're feeding?" continues Cabak. "Also, we're looking at feeding the cattle when stretching feed supplies -- what are your alternatives. Cattle producers who are short of feed will need to plan which feeding period and take an inventory of feed supplies and livestock numbers. And to wrap up the meeting, a farm enterprise management specialist will discuss the method for different ways to feed cattle."
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This week, the H5N1 Avian Flu virus continued to disrupt agriculture across the country.