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Cayley Colony Takes Home Fifth Top Quality Milk Award

The Cayley Hutterite Colony has been recognized with the pinnacle award in Alberta's dairy industry.
At the Alberta Milk Dairy Conference on Tuesday, November 20 in Edmonton, the Colony was award the Provincial Milk Quality Award for this year, which recognizes the farm which has produced the highest quality milk out of over 500 dairy farms across the province.
A spokesperson with Alberta Milk says the farm's Dairy Manager, Jake Stahl, and his family have been managing the dairy barn for three generations.
For 17 years, Stahl has worked with his wife Rosie, three daughters and helpers to ensure the dairy of 60 milking cows thrives.
They say Jake's approach to milk quality is 24/7 dedication, where he focuses on the little things and always tries to keep it simple.
The Colony also produces poultry, beef and sheep.
This is the fifth time the Colony has received the dairy award, where producers have to meet very strict parameters to even be eligible, according to Alberta Milk.
The Provincial organization representing Alberta's dairy producers, says to qualify, the milk must have a bacteria average under 15,000 cells per millilitre, an average somatic cell count of 200,000 per millilitre or less, and no inhibitor infraction.
Finally, all freezing points must also be -0.535 or less.
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