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CDFA Announces Vacancies on the Livestock Identification Advisory Board

The California Department of Food and Agriculture’s (CDFA), Bureau of Livestock Identification is announcing vacancies on the Livestock Identification Advisory Board.  The Board makes recommendations to the Secretary relative to improvements and changes in the administration and enforcement of the hide and brand laws, regulations that are adopted pursuant to such laws, procedures that are followed by the Bureau of Livestock Identification for the curbing of livestock theft, the annual budget for the Bureau, and legislation which is designed to improve the function of the Bureau.

The term of office for a member on the Advisory Board is four years.  Members receive no compensation but are entitled to reimbursement for mileage. The present board membership consists of two beef cattle producers, two dairy producers, two registered feedlot operators, and one livestock marketing business.

As of December 2023, one Cattle Feeder position has become vacant.  Any interested individual representing beef cattle producers, please, send a brief resume by January 31, 2024, to the California Department of Food and Agriculture, Bureau of Livestock Identification, Attention: John Suther,1220 N Street, Sacramento, California 95814.

The Bureau of Livestock Identification is the sole state authority to register and inspect cattle operations.  The Bureau maintains a brand registration and inspection program to protect cattle owners in California against loss of animals by theft, straying, or misappropriation.  The bureau’s program consists of registration of livestock brands; inspection of cattle for lawful possession prior to transportation, sale, or slaughter; recording of information obtained by such inspections; and assisting local law enforcement with investigations and prosecutions involving cattle theft.

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