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Cereals Canada releases '2023 New Wheat Crop Report'

Canadian farmers brought in another top-quality wheat crop this year despite the challenging growing conditions.

Cereals Canada CEO Dean Dias (dye-as) says the 2023 New Wheat Crop Report shows the majority of the crop is grading No. 2 or better, 
 with average to higher than average protein content. 

Dias says representatives of the value chain will be talking about the results with customers domestically and globally via webinars this week, 
before leaving for the trade and technical missions.

"Canada had excellent quality this year in all wheat classes for 2023 crop year with the majority grading number 2 or better. 

Over 95% of the CWRS (Canada Western Red Spring) crop has graded No. 1 and No. 2, with average protein content  

Over 80% of CWAD (Canada Western Amber Durum) has graded No. 1 and No. 2, with protein content higher than average  

Over 90% of CPSR (Canada Prairie Spring Red) has graded No. 1 and No. 2, with average protein content 

Over 90% of CESRW (Canada Eastern Soft Red Winter) has graded No. 1 and No. 2, with average protein content.

Over 95% of the CW RS crop has graded number one and number two with average protein content. Over 80% of quad CW ad has graded number one and number two, with protein content higher than average."

He notes the technical data will be presented at two customer webinars on November 21 and 22, and at four international trade and technical missions over the coming weeks.  

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