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CETA's 5-year anniversary disappointing for the cattle sector

Today marks the five year anniversary for CETA - the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and European Union. 

The Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) remains a leading supporter of opening access for Canadian beef exports to the European Union. Although the CETA created quotas for nearly 65,000 tonnes of duty-free access for Canadian beef, unresolved technical barriers have 
prevented CETA from delivering its full potential. 

Dennis Laycraft, the Executive Vice President of the Canadian Cattle Association, says today (September 21) comes with a sense of disappointment as some key technical barriers still have to be resolved.

"We had hoped that we would see some faster progress on some of the meat inspection issues. We have one of the most rigorous systems in the world here in Canada and in the US. We use a number of products in our our meat hygiene system that are not approved for use in Europe."

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Video: Suffolk Ewe ADOPTS Dorset Lamb! | Sheep Farming at Ewetopia Farms

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