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CFIA Cancels Licenses For Three Meat Producers

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has cancelled three Safe Food for Canadian licences.
The decision was made after the CIA identified during a food safety investigation that they had received false or misleading information from the licence holders concerning E.coli lab results.
Effective immediately, Ryding-Regency Meat Packers LTD., Canadian Select Meats Inc. (operating under St. Ann's Foods Inc) and The Beef Boutique LTD. (operating under St. Ann's Foods Inc) are no longer able to slaughter food animals or prepare meat products for export or to be sent from one province or territory to another. The three companies are based in Toronto.
CFIA initiated a food safety investigation into the three companies in September 2019, as soon as it was determined that some products were potentially contaminated. Prior to the cancellations, the licences for the establishments were all suspended to ensure the safety of the public.
There were numerous food recalls issued in various beef and veal products associated with this food safety investigation.
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