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CFIA determines gene-edited crops are safe for livestock feed

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has released its latest livestock feed guidance update, noting that gene-edited crops are safe for livestock feed. 

Krista Thomas, Vice President of Trade Policy, Seed Innovation, for the Canada Grains Council, says Health Canada and the CFIA have now answered longstanding calls from the seed and grain sectors for predictable, clear, and consistent policies for gene-edited crops.

She says this opens up incredible opportunities for innovation within the grain sector.

Krista Zuzak, Director of Crop Protection and Production at Cereals Canada, says they see this as clearing the pathway for gene-edited plants.

"The finalized CFIA guidance on livestock feed will support research and development of new varieties that use gene editing to enhance traits such as drought, pest and disease resistance, and input use efficiency, among others."

The cereals sector recognizes that plant breeding innovation, including technology used to produce livestock feed ingredients, can help the industry address crop production challenges, aid in sustainability efforts, and address food security concerns.

Source : Pembinavalley online

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