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CFIB Releases Canada's Red Tape Report

Farmers are concerned about the issue of red tape in the agriculture sector and the impact it could have for the next generation of farmers.
The Canadian Federation of Independent Business has declared this Red Tape Awareness Week.
CFIB’s Vice-President for Western Canada and Agri-business Marilyn Braun-Pollon says this is when they put the spotlight on governments and challenge them to reduce harmful and excessive regulations.
She says "Canada's Red Tape Report" shows farmers feel the current level of government red tape is excessive, redundant and overly burdensome.
"According to the report 79% of farmers say just make it more plain language and simplify, but also improving customer service 62% of farmers say governments can do a better job of that. I also think that just communicating those regulations in a clear and timely way is also important."
She notes currently 64% or nearly two-thirds of farmers wouldn't advise their children to get involved or start in business given the current level of red tape or regulations.
Braun-Pollon says 93% of farmers have said the excessive government regulations really adds stress to their lives.
"About 86% of farmers say that excessive Government regulations significantly reduces their businesses productivity and ability to grow. So not surprising, the result that we found too, is that nearly two-thirds or 64% of farmers wouldn't advise their children to start a business given the current level of regulations. So that's going to have an impact on the transition and succession plans as well."
This week is the CFIB's 12th Annual Red Tape Awareness Week.
CFIB will release it's annual "Red Tape Report Card" on Wednesday which grades federal and provincial governments on their red tape accountability and reduction.
Thursday they announce the Golden Scissors Award for the best government initiative to cut unnecessary red tape.
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Video: Using Our Sheep Feed To Heat Our Home For The Winter!

At Ewetopia Farms, we use our sheep feed, corn, as fuel to heat our house for the winter in Canada. Corn harvesting is fast approaching so today on our sheep farm we took advantage of the nice fall weather to remove some dry corn from our corn bin to make room for the new corn and to set aside 5 tons of corn for heating our house once the cold weather sets in. This is a very inexpensive way to heat our home. We grow and store the corn ourselves, and it is our primary heat source.