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CGC pays out $1.2 million in compensation for unpaid deliveries to Zeghers Canada

The Canadian Grain Commission has finished reviewing producer compensation claims for unpaid deliveries to  Zeghers Seed Inc. (operating as Zeghers Canada).

The company held a grain dealer licence and a primary elevator licence for an elevator located in Holland, Manitoba.

 Producers who were not paid for  grain delivered to Zeghers Seed Inc. will be fully compensated for their eligible claims through the Canadian Grain Commission’s Safeguards for Grain Farmers Program.

The Canadian Grain Commission will issue full compensation for 27 eligible claims totalling over $1.2 million from the company’s security to these producers.

The CGC revoked the licences of Zeghers Seed Inc. on March 25, 2024.

Chief Commissioner David Hunt says the Canadian Grain Commission is committed to ensuring producers are fairly compensated for their deliveries. 

"Our Safeguards for Grain Farmers Program plays a key role in securing payments for producers, and we are pleased to be able to provide 100% coverage of eligible claims for unpaid deliveries to Zeghers Seed."

Source : Pembinavalley online

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