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Challenging Harvest Taking Toll On Farm Equipment

Farm machinery is being put to the test this year as harvest continues to drag on into November.
Ryan Wiebe is the service manager at Green Valley Equipment (John Deere) in Altona.
He had some advice for producers.
"Keep fuel conditioner in your tanks. Nobody wants to gel up when it gets cold, and if you have summer fuel in there, that's a possibility."
Wiebe says they've been hearing about issues with tracks clogging up with mud.
"We have found that using a sprayer winterizer to spray it down helps thaw the frozen mud and ice out of there. That's been working well. If at all possible, clean it out as frequently as possible before it freezes up, while it's still softer."
Wiebe recommends storing machinery inside overnight if possible to help with startup in the morning. Another piece of advice is to store fire extinguishers inside overnight or in the cab to make sure they work if needed.
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