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Chilliwack dairy producer to receive government funding towards a low-emission dairy barn that will capture and clean barn air

CHILLIWACK, B.C. — A Chilliwack dairy farm stands to benefit from a $165,000 government grant that will help them mitigate the impacts of climate change and boost the province’s food security and food economy.

Dicklands Farms FLP in Chilliwack is receiving $165,000 to help design and develop a low-emission dairy barn that will capture and clean barn air, and control barn temperature and humidity, according to a statement from the B.C. goverment.

By combining cutting-edge, commercially available technologies, Dicklands Farms aims to lower greenhouse gas emissions from the dairy sector, while giving dairy farmers the ability to control the environment inside their barns, keeping their cows healthy and safe during extreme weather and increasing productivity.

“Consumer demand is changing, and environmental sustainability is becoming increasingly important,” said George Dick, farm manager at Dicklands Farms FLP. “The idea behind this barn is to create a way for B.C.’s dairy industry to dramatically reduce its carbon footprint by eradicating greenhouse gas emissions from enteric fermentation. This project wouldn’t have been possible without the generous funding support from the governments of Canada and B.C., and BC Dairy Association’s Dairy Industry Research and Education Committee.”

The governments of Canada and B.C. are supporting 10 new projects with more than $1 million through the Canada-British Columbia Agri-Innovation Program to help fight climate change, address labour shortages, increase profitability and increase adoption of regenerative agriculture practices. The program is administered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of B.C.

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