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CLA Supports White House Nomination Of McKinney For USDA Trade Position

Yesterday, the White House announced the nomination of Ted McKinney, the current Indiana Agriculture Director, as U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) undersecretary for trade and foreign agricultural affairs. CropLife America (CLA) supports the administration on the choice and looks forward to working with Mr. McKinney, once confirmed.
“The administration’s nomination of Ted McKinney shows the importance of the farmer’s voice in Washington D.C.,” stated Jay Vroom, president and CEO of CLA. “USDA states that agriculture trade accounts for 20 percent of the total value of production, making trade critical to the stability and growth of the U.S. economy. This makes the importance of Ted’s career experience in issues management of crop and animal agriculture in the U.S. and around the world all the more relevant. He has the background to deal with the complexities of agriculture-focused trade and foreign affairs on behalf of USDA,” concluded Vroom.
McKinney grew up on a family grain and livestock farm in Tipton, Indiana. He received his degree in agricultural economics from Purdue University, and spent time working for Dow and Elanco before heading the Indiana Department of Agriculture.

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