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CN Expecting To Move Large Crop This Winter

CN Rail is expecting to move a large crop this winter after some above average yields.
The company's director of marketing for grain David Przednowek, speaking at the Grain World Conference in Winnipeg, says they've done a lot to enhance their network capacity.
"CN reinvests about 20 per cent of its overall revenues every year in terms of capital projects," he explained. "That could be the acquisition of higher horse power AC locomotives. I think we've acquired over 500 over the past number of years, and we just acquired another 22 that just came online here this fall that we've integrated into our fleet. And then it comes to increasing network capacity, which is double-tracking, increasing the number of sidings in western Canada, and passing tracks, lengthening sidings to accommodate longer trains."
Przednowek notes they've run into a few challenges in recent weeks including a bridge derailment in Alberta and some unloading issues at the Port of Prince Rupert.
Source : Steinbachonline

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FREE Corn With 59 Year Old Tractor

Video: FREE Corn With 59 Year Old Tractor

This was a year-long sweet corn patch project, and so so so worth it! We learned so much about using and fixing older equipment, and my dream came true: we had a great, big sweet corn patch on the back 40! Thank goodness for all the auctions and farms with implements hidden in tree lines and weeds! We learned a lot growing it, but giving it all away for free and then harvesting it was the really fun part. We cant wait to do this all over again next year! What should we grow? How can we do this better? We'll take any advice you can give us!