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Coalition Raises Awareness About Container Crunch

A growing coalition of commodity associations has launched a campaign to raise awareness about the negative impact of the global container crunch.

Greg Northey is Vice President of Corporate Affairs with Pulse Canada.

"This is a problem we've been facing for a year and a half, a global problem, but certainly in Canada we've been feeling the effects just like pretty much every other country," he said. "What it's meaning for the grain sector and any other commodity that has to export is just the lack of service, accessibility, availability of containers and access to vessels to get our containers overseas to our trade markets. It's been getting progressively worse for the past few months."

Northey says the cost to send a container of grain has doubled over the past couple of months.

The coalition is calling for the Government of Canada to call an immediate investigation and to create a joint industry-government task force.

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