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COG research reports on Barriers and Solutions in Canadas Organic Food Supply Chain

A research report from the Canadian Organic Growers outlines Barriers and Solutions in Canada’s Organic Food Supply Chain. It was released on Sunday, the final day of the Guelph Organic Conference (January 29th, 2023).

There are industry findings with details on six commodities including blueberries, carrots, salad greens, oats, field peas and beef.

The report summarized in part discusses the challenges of transitioning from conventional to organic production involving a significant commitment of time and resources. New practices in the barn and on the field present a learning curve. Major factors including securing new customers, finances and marketing channels.

Other challenges: not much information about how to go about transitioning from conventional to organic, significant record keeping is involved and a potential double whammy -- yield drop combined with a delayed organic premium price during the transition.

There is more insight on supply chain challenges and solutions available free at the Canadian Organic Growers’ online store or stay tuned here for more.

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Source : Small Farm Canada

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