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Combining Methods to Better Managing Pests

From rodents and insects to weeds and microorganisms that bring disease, pests can evolve to withstand the methods we’ve developed to control their spread and impact. The use of chemicals might become less effective, for example, or pests can adapt to the cultural/physical/biological control strategies that are used to contain them.

As if that wasn’t vexing enough, our changing climate is also playing a role in giving pests an advantage.

“The current problem is that these pests are emerging in new locations,” said NIFA Institute of Food Production and Sustainability national program leader Dr. Vijay Nandula. “This could be partly due to climate change and partly due to pests adapting to the practices being implemented for their control.”

Better Results Through Integrated Pest Management

To combat pests and pest resistance, farmers and other producers are incorporating integrated pest management (IPM) approaches into their crop management practices. With IPM, multiple techniques—from the use of chemicals or biological controls to cultural practices or mechanical devices—are strategically used together to prevent pests from becoming a problem.

“You’re not trying to eradicate the pest completely,” Nandula said. “You’re just trying to make it viable for the crop to be sustainable. The approach needs to be effective over the long term, sensible and safe.”

Nandula, a weed scientist by training who leads NIFA’s Crop Protection and Pest Management program, said the effectiveness of the various methods often depends on the type of crop, prevailing environment and pest being managed.

The use of cultural practices, such as changing planting dates or adjusting fertilizer or irrigation regimes, and using cover crops can give agronomic crops a fighting chance against a given pest. For specialty crops like fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants—in addition to cover crops—regular scouting for diseases, insects and weeds, using disease and insect free germplasm, and employing a biological control (using a pest’s natural enemies) in select situations could prove to be more effective.

Another promising nonchemical strategy has been the use of mechanical controls like weed seed destruction during harvest. Pioneered in Australia, this method destroys or removes weed seeds at crop harvest and reduces weed seed contribution to the soil seedbank.

NIFA-Funded Research into Improved Pest Management Methods

To explore the viability of weed seed destruction in the U.S., NIFA funded a 2019 study led by Colorado State University associate professor Dr. Todd Gaines, who found success in using the less expensive chaff lining method as an alternative to a harvest weed seed destructor for wheat.

Other innovative, NIFA-funded pest management research:

  • A multistate study being spearheaded at Iowa State University by Dr. Prashant Jha is investigating the use of cover crops and harvest weed seed control to manage pigweed seedbanks in soybean ($325,000);
  • At the University of California, Davis, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Extension professor Dr. Steve Fennimore is leading a project that explores the expanded use of band steaming — a nonchemical method that uses steam to kill soilborne pests and diseases— in carrot and lettuce as an alternative soil disinfestation method ($175,000);
  • At New Mexico State University, NIFA is investing in a study led by Dr. Brian Schutte that will develop best practices for using barley and mustard — cover crops with biochemical compounds known to suppress weed growth — to help control soilborne pathogens ($191,000);
  • At Louisiana State Universitya study led by Dr. Donnie Miller is comparing image-based predictive modeling with ground truth measurements to assess how well cover crops minimize weed damage in soybean, corn, and cotton fields ($325,000).
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Hail Storm Destroys MILLIONS of US Corn and Soybean Bushels

Video: Hail Storm Destroys MILLIONS of US Corn and Soybean Bushels

Severe Weather and Crop Damage
Recent hail storms across Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas, Iowa, and Minnesota have severely impacted corn and soybean fields, with south-central Nebraska experiencing significant losses. Hurricane Beryl's landfall on the Texas coast has brought hurricane-related rains northeast, potentially affecting Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. These conditions may help alleviate some drought issues but could also pose risks of flooding and additional crop damage.

USDA Drought Monitor and Crop Conditions
The latest USDA drought monitor report shows mixed conditions across the Corn Belt and High Plains. While areas like northwest Ohio and central Iowa saw improvements due to recent rains, southern Ohio and parts of Illinois experienced worsening drought conditions. The overall impact continues to be closely monitored, with rainfall patterns playing a critical role in crop development stages.

International Corn and Soybean Market Trends
The USDA's office in China has revised down its forecast for Chinese corn imports to 20 million metric tons due to a bumper domestic crop and increased imports of substitutes like barley. Meanwhile, US ethanol production has seen an uptick, reflecting slightly increased gasoline demand, which could influence corn markets given ethanol's significant corn usage.

US Crop Export Sales
Recent US crop export sales figures were disappointing, with corn sales falling significantly below expectations and soybean sales also at the lower end of forecasts. These trends highlight the challenges facing US exporters in the current global trade environment, where competition and domestic supply issues in importing countries can quickly alter demand dynamics.

Market Response and Future Outlook

The agricultural market is responding to these developments with caution, as traders and farmers alike navigate the complexities of weather impacts, international trade shifts, and domestic policy changes. The next few days will be crucial for assessing the full impact of the recent storms and adjusting market strategies accordingly.