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Commodity Grain And Dairy Market Updates Available

By Dennis Stein

Current grain and dairy commodity markets updates are now available online.

It seems that commodity markets are ever changing, which is true of the past few months with grain prices tracking downward and milk prices holding strong. What most farm producers are interested in is the decision making information that can help them develop decisions on what they need to do to manage price risk for their 2014 and 2015 production. MSU professors Chris Wolf and Jim Hilker recently presented their views on the current market status and updated farm producers on the direction that they see for farm commodities. If you would like to view their presentations, you can find them at the following links:

  • Michigan State University commodity marketing specialist Jim Hilker’s 8-25-14 crop market update video recording.
  • Michigan State University dairy marketing specialist Chris Wolf’s 8-25-14 dairy market update video recording.

The webinar presentations are about 60 minutes in length. They cover detailed information that can be used to build a reasonable basis for making commodity pricing decisions. Our next commodity marketing update is scheduled for Tuesday, October 28 from 10 a.m to Noon. For more marketing information you may want to visit the Michigan State University Extension FIRM website where you can find a wide variety of marketing and other farm management topics.

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