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Compact tractor: What’s right for you?

Looking to work smarter, not harder? A compact tractor could be the game changer your farm or acreage has been looking for. Prized for their small-but-mighty stature, compact tractors make a big impact — handling large acreage and tackling tasks with ease.

“Compact tractors boast the benefits of a large ag tractor in just a fraction of the size,” says turf equipment and compact tractor specialist at AKRS Equipment Nick Wessel, who unpacks why compact is the way to go. 

Power take-off, or simply PTO — a means of using power from a running engine to operate an auxiliary attachment — is the driving force behind the popularity of compact tractors.

“A compact tractor comes with more options than an actual mower, from loader and lift capacity to rear attachments,” Wessel says of the John Deere 1 through 4 Series Compact Utility Tractors. 

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Opportunities in 4-H

Video: Opportunities in 4-H

Nia Smith, Student, Poplar Hill 4-H Club
The 4-H program has given Nia many opportunities over the years, from communication to leadership. Join Nia as she shares her experiences from this past year with her “Seed Starting from a Home Hydroponic System” science fair project, and how she had the opportunity to go to the Canadian Science Fair finals in Ottawa, ON.

>> Apply up to 750 lbs/ac at 10 mph – 70+ acres per hour
>> Optional Drop tubes on 30-inch spacing
>> High speed = higher application rates
>> Tighter fold for the best visibility