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Conservation Ag Foundation Established to Promote Sustainable Farming

Longtime no-tillers & educators serve on foundation’s board, guiding mission to help farmers to adopt conservation practices

Lessiter Media, the publisher of Farm Equipment and its sister publication No-Till Farmer magazine, has established the Conservation Ag Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing conservation-based ag practices. The foundation’s mission is to empower the industry with knowledge and tools for adopting conservation tillage and cover cropping, promoting soil health, advancing environmental stewardship and forwarding long-term agricultural viability.

"Our mission is dedicated to the empowerment of farmers. We are committed to equipping farmers with the knowledge needed to cultivate a sustainable future for agriculture,” says Patrick Sharpe, executive director of and special advisor to the Conservation Ag Foundation.

Founding Board. The Conservation Ag Foundation’s founding board of directors includes Mike Lessiter, board president; No-Till Legend Randall Reeder, vice president; Jim Stute, treasurer; Michaela Paukner, secretary; board members Jim Leverich, Loran Steinlage, Mike Starkey, Jim Hershey and Dallas Ziebell; and Frank Lessiter, Michael Storts and Patrick Sharpe as special advisors to the board.

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