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Corn And Soybean Disease Notes

Our corn crop seems to be developing at a pretty fast pace.  Since March 1st we have had 536 hours above 60 degrees F. compared to 2014 where we had 396 in the same range.  With the recent fronts moving through, we need to give consideration to fungicide decisions.  At this point, it makes sense to target one fungicide application just prior to tasseling.  Dr. Kemerait reported this week that as of now there were no reports of Southern Corn Rust in the state and only one report of Northern Corn Leaf Blight.  There are many good fungicide options & just as many strategies for why to use a particular one.  If you would like to discuss specific fungicides, strategies or timing, please let myself or Jason know.
ASIAN SOYBEAN RUST HAS BEEN FOUND IN MILLER COUNTY, GA as of May 17th.  This is the earliest point in the growing season that it has been confirmed since 2005.  Once soybeans reach the reproductive growth stage it may be a good idea to seriously consider a fungicide application this year.  Again, recent conditions combined with the fact that Asian Soybean Rust has been found early in the season may make an application of fungicide necessary.  There are nearly as many fungicide options as with corn.  There are many options, as with corn.  Since our risk is high already, you may want to consider the higher recommended rates to try and achieve longer residual activity.

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