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Corn Crop Benefiting From Summer Rains

The Manitoba Crop Alliance is giving an update on this year's corn crop.
"It's looking good right now," said Agronomist Morgan Cott. "I'm happy with how pollination went and how the rains have been falling. It's been helping the corn tremendously since the July that we had. Generally we're still a little behind what may be normal, or what we think is normal now, but generally it's looking good and the grain is moving along fast so that's what we really want right now."
Cott says the corn crop could use a few steady showers between now and harvest, which is still about 6 to 8 weeks away.
She notes most the crop has reached the dough (R3) stage.
Insect and disease concerns have been minimal this year.
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Video: 5 Questions with Seed World’s Insider of the Year

If you’ve spent any time in the seed industry, you probably know Jim Schweigert, President of Gro Alliance. Known for his leadership, innovative ideas, and ability to connect people, Jim is also the talented writer behind some of the most-read thought leadership in Seed World U.S. That’s why we’re thrilled to name Gro Alliance, with Jim at the helm, as our Insider of the Year!