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Corn Rootworm Resistance To Bt Corn In Nebraska

By Robert Wright
Nebraska Extension Entomologist
We have previously reported on the existence of resistance in western corn rootworm populations in Nebraska to Cry3Bb1 and mCry3A proteins expressed in some Bt corn hybrids, UNL faculty led by Dr. Lance Meinke continue to research this topic. We cannot survey every location in Nebraska to determine the resistance status of rootworms in that area. However, growers can use information about their cropping history (rotational history, hybrid choice, and information about rootworm pressure in their fields) as a guide to selection of rootworm management practices. This topic will be presented at several Nebraska Extension Crop Productions Clinics in January 2016.
The National Corn Growers Association and The Agricultural Biotechnology Stewardship Technical Committee, a consortium of Bt corn registrants, have developed “Corn Rootworm Best Management Practices.”
They recommend “to effectively manage corn rootworm (CRW), implement a multi-year plan that includes a variety of tactics” including
  • crop rotation,
  • hybrids with multiple CRW Bt traits, and
  • soil-, seed- or foliar-applied insecticides.
They also ask growers to identify rootworm risk levels in their fields by answering these questions:
  • Did you plant corn rootworm traits for consecutive years in the same fields?
  • Did you notice large populations of corn rootworm beetles?
  • Did you observe root injury from corn rootworm larvae?
  • Are your fields planted to continuous corn?

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