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Corn Yield Competition Producing Impressive Results

The province's corn harvest is close to wrapping up.

Morgan Cott with the Manitoba Crop Alliance expects the warm temperatures this week will help speed things along.

She's been busy examining fields for the annual Corn Yield Competition

"I'm quite surprised with the amount of entries that we've had," stated Cott. "Last year was also a tough year and I only had 20 entries last year, which we usually get about double that and this year, I should have about 35. Considering what we've been through this year and what the yields are turning out to be, it's a great sign I think. It means that some guys are finding very high yields in what could be an average field but good yields within that field. I'm impressed with what I've come up with so far."

The winners will be announced at the CropConnect Conference in February.

Manitoba's Corn Yield Competition dates back to 1971.

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