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Corteva Agriscience receives registration for new herbicide for wheat and barley in Western Canada

Corteva Agriscience announced the registration of OnDeck™ herbicide, a new solution that provides post-emergent weed control for wheat (durum spring and winter) and barley farmers in the brown soil zones of Western Canada. Approved by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), the new herbicide will be available at select retail locations across Western Canada ahead of the 2023 growing season.

OnDeck offers wheat and barley farmers proactive resistance management with complete rotational flexibility, delivering a strong measure of control over key broadleaf weeds like kochia, wild mustard, wild buckwheat, and volunteer canola, as well as control of green and yellow foxtail. The Group 6 and Group 27 unique modes of action in OnDeck represent a fresh approach to tackling kochia while helping reduce kochia resistance.

OnDeck® herbicide contains tolpyralate active, a Group 27 herbicide that is new to the Western Canadian cereal market. Tolpyralate was developed by ISK Biosciences Co. (ISK); ISK and Corteva have entered into an agreement to bring this unique and powerful molecule to Western Canadian farmers.  An important key feature of tolpyralate is that farmers retain the ability to plant lentils, peas and canola the year after application – maintaining the rotational freedom and flexibility that is important in the brown and dark brown soil zones of Western Canada.

“OnDeck herbicide will be a valuable tool to help farmers get the upper hand on resistant kochia and we know they will retain rotational flexibility the year after application, an option that is not available with other Group 27 + Group 6 products that are currently on the market,” said Jason Smith, Portfolio Marketing Manager for Cereal Herbicides, Corteva Agriscience.

"Kochia is a weed that is a significant concern to Western Canadian farmers, especially given the prevalence of Group 9 resistance and the increase in Group 4 resistance. OnDeck herbicide also provides reduced reliance on the active ingredient fluroxypyr to control kochia, extending the efficacy of fluroxypyr."

Results from Western Canadian field trials in 2022 reflected the effectiveness of OnDeck as a reliable weed control tool, with wheat and barley farmers emphasizing the herbicide’s ease of use, fast activity and excellent kochia control. In certain geographies, OnDeck can help control foxtail which would eliminate the need for a graminicide tank partner, potentially shielding farmers from further crop input expenses. 

Source : Corteva

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