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Cotton Aphid Fungus In Bulloch County

By wtyson

I observed the cotton aphid fungus in some of the cotton fields I visited this past Friday in Brooklet, Portal, Statesboro and Stilson. It looked like it was just getting started, so hopefully many of the fields with high aphid numbers will crash this week. Some fields have been sprayed due to the discoloration of the terminals and the presence of aphids in the whole field instead of them being just in hot spots. Notice the presence of gray, fuzzy aphid cadavers in the picture below that I took Friday that is indicative of the fungus. Hopefully, the fungus will continue to build and aphid populations will crash soon.

Cotton aphid fungus

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Harvest A Corn Field With Me

Video: Harvest A Corn Field With Me

Beans are done, popcorn is done, so it's time for corn harvest. On our second day of corn we got into a field where we left a swath untreated by fungicide. This year we sprayed Miravis Neo from @SyngentaAgUS late in the season at brown silk. Plants were healthy at the time, but fungicides like Miravis Neo can have other benefits beyond protecting crops from disease. It can also keep the plants alive a bit longer during grain fill, and help keep a late harvested corn crop standing