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Cow-Calfenomics 2017/2018 is coming to a community near you in January 2018.
"This year we have again, put together a well rounded agenda with interesting speakers and topics on farm business management in the Alberta cow-calf business," says Rick Dehod, farm financial specialist, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF).
This year’s presentations and presenters are:
Ann Wasko, market analyst from Gateway Livestock will speak on the cattle market situation and outlook. Ann brings her insight in to the Beef markets and what the market outlook could be going forward.
Brenda Hagen, project coordinator for the Western Livestock Price Insurance program, will explain the use of risk management tools in the beef industry. She will outline the various tools available to protect your profit, and how different tools will work in different market situations.
Joel Bokenfohr, AF, will speak on business structures for new entrants. Anyone who is entering in to the business will find this beneficial. Joel will review what business structure could allow you to retain your profit and grow your business.
Herman Simons, AF, will speak on production enterprise analysis, Herman reminds us that most farms have numerous enterprises, but often we don’t know which one makes money and which one loses. Often we keep doing what we have been doing when good enterprise analysis will give you the information to make changes that will increase the profitability of your whole farm with the same resources.
Rick Dehod, AF, will speak on a farmer’s guide to agricultural credit. Agriculture is a capital intensive business, and debt is a tool to enhance the opportunity for profit. But like any tool you have to understand its use and features to get full benefit for your farm. There is a lot to consider when taking on debt, and the cost, interest rate, is not the only thing to consider before you sign on the dotted line
ML Manglai, AF, will review the AF AgriProfit$ Beef program and how this tool provides information that can be used as a benchmark for your own operation.
A Canadian Cattlemen Young Leader participant will reflect on the value of having a mentor . The Young Leadership program includes mentorship and is important to the program's success.
"It’s a full day, with a lot of great information, that any farm manager can utilize and incorporate into their farm management tool box, wherever they are in their careers," says Dehod.
Cow-Calfenomics will be held in three locations in January:
January 23, 2018, Vermilion Regional Centre
January 24, 2018, Westlock Inn & Conference Centre
January 25, 2018, Stettler Agriculture Society

Registration starts at 9 a.m. and the session runs from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
"The Alberta Beef Producers continue to recognize the importance of engaging our youth into the industry and are sponsoring the registration of students and producers who are 25 years of age or younger. A big thank you to the Alberta Beef Producers," says Dehod.
Please register by Tuesday, January 16, 2018. The registration fee is $30 (GST is included in the price) and includes lunch. Registration for students and young producers (those under 25) is free and is sponsored by the Alberta Beef Producers.
To register, please call the Ag-Info Center at 1-800-387-6030 or register online at .
If you are exempt from paying GST, please call 1-800-387-6030 to register.
Alberta Ag-Info Centre
310-FARM (3276)
Source : Government of Alberta

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