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CP Rail Reports Record Year For Grain Transportation

With the new crop year underway, Canadian Pacific Railway has released its numbers for the last crop year which ended July 31st.
CP is reporting it hauled more Canadian grain and grain products for 2019-2020 than any other year in its 139-year history. 
In total, CP moved 29.52 million metric tonnes, exceeding last year's record by 10 per cent or  2.75 MMT. CP credits the efficiency of the 8,500-foot High Efficiency Product (HEP) train model. The HEP train can carry in excess of 40 per cent more grain than the 7,000-foot train model when combined with the additional capacity of CP's new high-efficiency hopper cars. 
The new cars can carry 10 percent more grain by weight and 15 percent more by volume than the older Government of Canada cars.
CP notes it's watching and assessing resource requirements for the 2020 - 21 crop year in terms of personnel, locomotives and railcar needs going forward.
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