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Crop Conference Fee Cut For Farmers, Say MU Extension Program Leaders

By Kevin Bradley
For the first time, farmers will pay reduced fees to attend the annual University of Missouri Crop Management Conference, Dec. 15-16.
At first, the conference wasn’t planned for farmers. It updated farm advisers on new MU research and crop reports. Soon, producers were asking to attend.
“MU welcomes farmers,” says Kevin Bradley, MU Extension weed specialist and program chair. The conference still offers updates and needed continuing education units (CEUs) for crop advisers and extension field staff. Advisers must update their skills each year.
The meeting offers three tracks of offerings. Topics cover management of crops, nutrients, pests, and soil and water. Professional improvement has been added. This year, that covers public speaking.
Keynote topic will be “Our Culture War Over Food and Farming.” Robert Paarlberg of Harvard University opens the conference at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 15.
Most of the teaching is by faculty of the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. They are joined by specialists from nearby land-grant universities.
Key words in topics give a peek at the program: Preparing for herbicide-tolerant traits; corn, climate and nitrogen; yield response to micronutrients; crop insects; El Nino; and prevented planting and insurance. There’s more.
Many topics offered will be covered in MU Extension meetings for farmers across the state this winter. Those at the conference get the word direct from the researchers. The slides shown by speakers will be available to attendees on their digital devices during the conference.
Registration for those who are farmers (their primary job) will be $100. Crop advisers pay $175. One-day fee is $125.
Call with credit card to register with Kim Foley at the MU Conference Office, 573-882-9558. Full details at
The MU fee includes meals, handouts and free access to the MO-AG Industries trade show held at the same time. The MO-AG website,, gives details on the trade show, program and banquet speaker.
The meetings are in the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia.

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Accuracy in testing for DON

Video: Accuracy in testing for DON

Deoxynivalenol (DON) is a mycotoxin naturally produced by the fungus that causes Gibberella ear rot in corn. Infection occurs through the corn silk channel when ideal temperatures (approx. 27°C) and higher humidity are present. Cool wet conditions after pollination favour continual disease development and determines the level of infection. Effective sampling, detection, and quantification of DON are challenging due to its uneven distribution on the ear as well as its presence across the field, resulting in infected and non-infected kernels in the same grain sample.