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Crop Pest Update


Insects: Levels of grasshopper nymphs are high in some areas. Alfalfa weevil is a concern in some alfalfa fields, with some fields having been cut early and insecticides applied to some fields to manage them. Aphids have been controlled in some cereal fields in the Eastern region.

Weeds: Recent windy weather while spraying has caused some drift issues. Herbicide spraying has almost wrapped up, with second sprays going on canola, corn and soybeans. Glufosinate (Liberty) can be applied up to early bolting in canola and 8 leaf stage in corn. For glyphosate-tolerant canola, Genuity (original) can be sprayed to 6 leaf stage while TruFlex can be sprayed to first flower (where 50% of plants in the field have no more than 1 flower). Glyphosatetolerant corn can be sprayed to 8 leaf stage and soybeans can be sprayed to flowering stage. Continue post-spray scouting to evaluate the effectiveness of the herbicides you used this year, and monitor weed escapes. Plan to reduce seed set where weeds have not been controlled.

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