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Crop Progress: Sorghum Planting Underway

For the week ending April 28, 2024, there were 4.1 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 7% very short, 19% short, 63% adequate, and 11% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 9% very short, 31% short, 53% adequate, and 7% surplus.

Field Crops Report:

Corn planted was 22%, near 24% last year and 23% for the five-year average. Emerged was 1%, equal to both last year and average.

Soybeans planted was 10%, near 13% last year and 11% average.

Winter wheat condition rated 2% very poor, 5% poor, 30% fair, 48% good, and 15% excellent.

Sorghum planted was 1%, equal to both last year and average.

Oats planted was 82%, near 79% last year, and ahead of 77% average. Emerged was 55%, ahead of 37% last year and 39% average.

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