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Crop Progress: Winter Wheat Condition Continues Decline

For the week ending Nov. 3, 2024, there were 5.7 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 41% very short, 38% short, 21% adequate and 0% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 41% very short, 39% short, 20% adequate and 0% surplus.

Field Crops Report:

Corn harvested was 90%, ahead of 82% last year and 78% for the five-year average.

Soybeans harvested was 98%, near 94% last year and 96% average.

Winter wheat condition rated 10% very poor, 25% poor, 28% fair, 32% good and 5% excellent. Winter wheat emerged was 83%, behind 96% last year and 94% average. 

Sorghum harvested was 81%, near 78% bot h last year and average.

Pasture and Range Report:

Pasture and range conditions rated 34% very poor, 26% poor, 26% fair, 13% good and 1% excellent.

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