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Crop Report: Issue 3, May 22, 2018

Weekly Provincial Summary

Seeding operations continue across Manitoba.  Provincially, seeding progress estimated at 80% complete.

Winter injury resulted in some reseeding of winter wheat in the Central, Eastern, and Interlake regions. 
Dry conditions have resulted in slow growth and difficulties assessing injury.  

Precipitation variable throughout the province, with most areas in the Central and Eastern regions receiving precipitation and smaller amounts in the Interlake and Western regions. 
Additional precipitation needed  to assist with crop germination, emergence, and growth.

Flea beetle activity reported in some regions, with control measures necessary in some fields. 

Pasture and forage growth has improved in areas that received precipitation, but supplemental feeding is still required in most areas.

Seeding Date
This Year 
Last Year
5 year average

Source: 2018 seeding progression from Regional Crop Reporters,     

2017 and 5 year average seeding progression from MASC Seeded Acreage Reports

Southwest Region
Spotty precipitation throughout the region.  Many areas received no precipitation or trace amounts, a few locations such as Killarney, Oakburn and Ninette received 10 to 13 mm.
Daytime temperatures normal to above normal most days, but nighttime temperatures dropped below -3°C on the weekend.  There are no reports of frost damage to crops at this time.  Seeding is progressing with few delays, but some producers waiting for rain to seed canola due to dry seedbed conditions.

Seeding is 65% complete in the Southwest region.  South of Highway #1 seeding of cereal crops is 85% complete.  Canola seeding is about 70% complete, soybean 40% complete, and corn 60% complete.
North of Highway #1 seeding of cereal crops is 75% complete. Canola seeding is about 50% complete, soybeans 25% complete, corn 30% complete.

Most spring cereals have emerged and are in the 1 to 2 leaf stage.  Peas are also emerging. Early seeded canola and corn are emerging, as well as some very early seeded soybeans. Winter cereals are looking good, but need moisture.

No major insect or disease issues to report.  Major concern remains lack of moisture.

Alfalfa growth very slow. Some cattle are going to pasture and some producers are looking to purchase any hay they can find available. Dugouts, sloughs and creeks are low in most areas, though there is some variability depending on the area.

Northwest Region
Warmer weather and limited precipitation this past week resulted in good seeding progress. There was some rainfall in the southernmost part of the region with upwards of 22 mm in the Inglis area and 15 mm around Ste. Rose.  The remainder of the region did not get any substantial precipitation and soil moisture throughout the region is dry.  This is especially noticeable in the top soil layer where winds are producing dust.   Producers are being cautious with spring tillage operations in an effort to reduce moisture loss.  Subsurface soil moisture conditions around The Pas are adequate to good.

Overall seeding progress estimated at 60 to 75% complete. Seeding of spring wheat is 75 to 95% complete with the earliest planted fields starting to emerge uniformly. Canola is 65 to 75% complete with canola seeding in the northern part of the region closer to 30%.  Seeding of peas is generally complete, and approximately 50% of the soybeans are planted.

Herbicide applications are just starting on the earlier seeded crops. There are reports of some spraying for cutworms in the Benito area. Some areas of the region that were dry in the fall and dry again this spring are seeing grasshopper activity.

Most of the region is in need of rain to stimulate forage growth.  Due to the dry conditions and poor grass growth, supplementation is still being required for cows being turned out to pasture.

Central Region
Continued warm and dry conditions early in the week followed by cool rainy conditions on Thursday and Friday. Precipitation varied widely with the Red River Valley receiving 25 to 40 mm, areas above the escarpment receiving 7 to 12 mm, and the Holland to Plumas areas received only 2 to 4 mm. Overall, precipitation remains below normal for this time of year.

Overnight temperatures near normal for most of the week, but fell below freezing on/near escarpment on Saturday morning.  There were no significant reports of damage to crops. Windy conditions continue to dry down topsoil.  Tillage operations have been kept to a minimum in an attempt to preserve topsoil moisture.

Seeding is considered to be 90% complete but ranges from 80% in the western area to almost complete in the Red River Valley. A good number of producers have wrapped up seeding operations. Weather permitting, seeding should be completed this week.

Most cereal seeding is complete and crops have emerged with one to four leaves present on the most advanced fields.  Emergence is generally good but somewhat variable in areas given the dryer seedbed conditions.

Canola seeding ranges from 80 to 100% complete, with progress most advanced in areas to the east and south. Canola is emerging and most advanced in the Red River Valley area. Some reports of flea beetle activity in the Altona and Morris areas requiring control measures.  Flea beetle control mostly being done as spot treatments and to headlands.  

The majority of pea acres have been seeded with good emergence.  Sunflowers, flax and soybean acres are 80 to 100% complete and earliest seeded fields starting to emerge. Rolling of planted soybean fields post seeding is progressing.

Close to 100% of potatoes have been planted. Some producers have started to irrigate and are waiting for emergence.

Edible bean planting is underway with about 25% of the acres in. Soil applied herbicides are being done ahead of field beans as the moisture conditions have improved.

Winter injury in winter wheat resulted in termination and reseeding of most winter wheat fields in the Red River Valley and many above the escarpment. Hybrid fall rye has survived better and is recovering well.  Regrowth is moderated by the dryer conditions.  

Dry seedbed conditions have resulted in lower than normal levels of winter annual and annual weeds.  Annual weeds are now emerging and pre-seed and pre-emergence herbicides are being applied. Applications of herbicides have been a challenge due to windy conditions.  

Pasture conditions rated as fair, but are not yet adequate to turn cattle out. Lack of spring rainfall remains a concern. Forage and pasture growth is improving with warming soils and recent rainfall, but remains a concern in areas to the Northwest portion of the region, where rainfall minimal.  Livestock water supply is adequate at this time but water levels are reduced and would benefit from significant precipitation to improve supply.

Eastern Region
Rainfall varied from 8 to over 40 mm across the region.  Crop emergence and seedling growth accelerated after the rainfall given the warm daytime temperatures and sunny conditions that followed.

Crop emergence varies from good to poor. Some fields in the Northern part of the region have patchy and uneven emergence due to dry seedbed conditions and cold soil temperatures.  Northern areas of the region also experienced nighttime temperatures as low as -4°C on Wednesday of last week.  Some emerged early seeded canola fields being reseeded due to frost damage.

More winter wheat than initially expected was kept in production but winterkill levels are still high.  A lack of rainfall and cold soil temperatures made stand assessment difficult.

Seeding is expected to wrap up this week and is estimated at 95% complete.  Spring cereals, corn, canola, and sunflowers seeding is 100% complete.  Soybean planting is on-going and estimated at 90% complete.  Some pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicide applications occurring in the region.

Winter wheat fields are at the 3 to 4 leaf stage and tillering.  Spring cereals are at the 2 to 3 leaf stage with 1 tiller. Canola is emerging and in the cotyledon to 2-leaf stage. Soybeans, corn, and sunflowers are emerging.

With the rain, grass is starting to grow and producers will start to fertilizer their hayfields. Dugouts are 75% full.

Interlake Region

Temperatures continue to vary widely, with highs up to 30°C and temperatures dipping below 0°C overnight.  Dry conditions prevail; precipitation was negligible for most at 1 to 8 mm, while some of the southernmost parts of the region received up to 12 to 15 mm.  Soils are gradually warming up; seeding has progressed rapidly.    Strong winds continue to deposit drift soil in ditches, and are drying out soils, particularly fields worked prior to seeding.  Some farmers are seeding deeper to moisture, and some delayed seeding, as precipitation was forecast.  All areas are looking for rain.

Seeding estimated at 85% complete. The majority of the crop seeded in the south Interlake.  Central areas and Arborg report 90+% complete.  Riverton/Washow Bay is 80 to 90%, and Fisher Branch is 50-60% complete. The Northwest ranges up to 40% complete, with some finished seeding.

Reports of winter wheat and fall rye acres being reseeded to spring crops due to winter injury.  Good survival reported in several winter wheat and fall rye fields.

Soybeans and the last of the canola and sunflower acres are being seeded.  Corn is complete, as are almost all cereals. 

Germination is patchy in many fields.  The most consistent germination and emergence seems to be in fields that were seeded with minimal soil disturbance.

Cereals range from emerging to 2 leaf stage; and rows are visible in a number of fields.  Peas are emerging.  Canola is just emerging in some fields.  Some soybeans have germinated, but are sitting in dry soil.

Minimal pre-seed herbicide applications have occurred due to lack of weed growth and dusty conditions.  Some soil-applied herbicides have gone down prior to peas, flax and sunflowers.  Where growth is sufficient, some pesticide applications abeing made to forage seed fields.

Weed growth has been slow due to cooler dry conditions.  There are reports of flea beetle activity, particularly in the Southeast corner of the region.

Forage crops are progressing slowly. Recent scattered rains have perked up some hay and pasture growth.  Frosts in the first half of May have set back growth, particularly in low-lying areas. Supplemental feeding of cattle continues due to lack of pasture growth.  Cattle producers are going in to reserve feedstocks.  Although drinking water is currently adequate for cattle, dugout water levels are declining and range from 1/3 to 2/3 full.

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