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Crop Report Shows Mostly Lower Saskatchewan Yield Potential

With a handful of exceptions, Saskatchewan government yield estimates are below the forecasts released last week by Statistics Canada. 

The provincial yield estimates were contained in the regular weekly crop report released Thursday, with the report noting yields in the southwest and west-central regions were “greatly affected” by the extremely hot and dry conditions experienced during critical growing stages this season. 

The average Saskatchewan canola yield was pegged by the provincial report at 34 bu/acre, down from StatsCan’s estimate of 37.7 bu/acre, while durum was estimated at just 30 bu/acre, almost 9 bu below the StatsCan projection (38.8 bu/acre). At 80 bu/acre, the province’s average oat yield estimate was 10 bu below StatsCan and spring wheat was 3.4 bu below at 43 bu/acre. 

The provincial report also put the average Saskatchewan lentil yield at 1,174 lbs/acre, compared to 1,504 lbs for StatsCan, while chickpeas were estimated at just 1,227 lbs/acre versus 1,709 for the federal agency. At 23 bu/acre, the province’s flax yield estimate was 1 bu below StatsCan. 

On the other hand, the average barley yield in the province was estimated at 64 bu/acre in today’s report, up from the StatsCan forecast of 60.9 bu. The average canary seed yield is seen by the province at 1,266 lbs, slightly above StatsCan’s 1,174 lbs, while mustard is projected at 1,102 lbs, up 284 lbs from StatsCan.  

Regardless of final yields, the report said the provincial harvest made significant strides this past week amid favourable weather. An estimated 42% of the Saskatchewan crop was in the bin as of Monday, up from 23% a week earlier and slightly ahead of the five-year average of 40%. An additional 20% of the crop was ready to swath or straight-cut as of Monday. 

The southwest region continues to lead harvest operations with 83% of the crop combined as of Monday. The west-central was at 61% harvested, the southeast at 33%, the northwest at 28%, the east-central at 27% and the northeast at 21%. 

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