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Cropping Alternatives 2022 now available

These crop budgets can help with any last minute crop plans that may influence seeding decisions.

“Cropping Alternatives crop budgets are soil zone specific and cover a variety of dryland and irrigation crops,” explains Manglai, production crops economist at Alberta Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Economic Development (AFRED).

“Estimated costs for the 2022 growing season are included, but they can be modified to better represent production, prices and costs specific to a farming operation.”

The updated budgets are designed to assist grain, oilseed and pulse crop producers make better crop planning decisions by using information from their own farms and soil type.

Manglai adds that these updates support the commitment of AFRED to the crops industry by providing decision tools that address both profit and risk management.

Download the 2022 Cropping Alternatives crop budgets free of charge.

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