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CTA announces Volume-Related Composite Price Indices for Crop Year 2024-2025 for CN and CPKC

GATINEAU, QC,  - The Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) has announced its determination of the Volume-Related Composite Price Index (VRCPI) for the Canadian National Railway Company (CN) at 1.9281 and the Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) at  1.8760 for the 2024–2025 crop year beginning August 1st. This is an increase in the VRCPI over the last crop year of 5.39% for CN and 6.49% for CPKC.

The determination of the VRCPIs is based on detailed submissions from CN and CPKC on their historical price information for railway inputs involving labour, fuel, material, and other capital items as well as forecasted future changes in these railway price components.

These indices will be used in determining CN's and CPKC's Maximum Revenue Entitlement for the movement of western grain in the 2024–2025 crop year. The Maximum Revenue Entitlement limits the overall revenue earned by CN and CPKC for shipping regulated grain.

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