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Cultivating the Next Generation in Agriculture

The truth is we all must eat to survive. Without proper nutrition, we don’t learn, advance or contribute to society. With the world’s population expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030, the agricultural industry therefore has a significant responsibility to supply this demand. It also has the opportunity to grow its economic importance as it expands to feed a growing global community. Today, the agriculture industry is a vital driver of the Canadian economy, contributing over $122 billion dollars each year to the national GDP.
However, the agricultural industry faces challenges in properly harnessing this growth, and risks missing out on millions of dollars in potential lost sales. The Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council attributes this risk to an aging agricultural workforce, a reality further compounded by the 600 fewer youth entering the sector each year. The number of unfilled positions in agriculture is expected to climb as high as 123,000 within the next decade, leaving a talent gap that risks further hindering the industry’s ability to maintain its economic strength.
It is therefore vital that producers and industry stakeholders work to inspire the next generation to embark on agricultural careers. By investing in educational and community-based initiatives, Bayer wants to inspire and excite youth by showcasing the wealth of opportunities in the sector, both on and off the farm.
Source : cropscience.bayer

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