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Cyber security and your farming business

As agricultural and agri-food businesses become more and more digitized and connected online, the risk of cyber disruptions increases. Cyber disruptions can have devastating effects including interrupting key services, impacting consumer trust and affecting business profitability. Put cyber security measures in place to prevent cyber disruptions, and to protect your business.

Minimize your risk of a cyber disruption

Cyber incidents can lead to many types of disruptions, such as cyber extortion, breach of confidential information and technology failure. Take practical steps to improve your cyber security and protect your business.

  • Gather information and plan ahead

Take time to document information on your business-critical digital systems. Identify ways to protect systems from a cyber incident and recover them as quickly as possible after a disruption.

  • Stay alert to the ways your cyber security can be compromised

Don't click on unverified links in emails or text messages. As well, never reveal business or personal information to unsolicited callers. Always confirm calls directly with your financial services or suppliers first, including IT service providers.

  • Put physical and digital safeguards in place

Make sure your hardware and software is up to date, apply all current patches, lock server cabinets and use strong passwords.

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