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Dairy Goat Webinar Topics Announced for Remainder of 2023

By Jennifer Bentley

Dairy goat producers and those involved with the industry can learn more about important industry topics during a series of four upcoming webinars.

All sessions run from noon to 1:15 p.m. Central time, and are part of the year-long webinar series organized by Jenn Bentley, dairy specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

“The upcoming sessions will focus on best management practices from producers and veterinarians,” said Bentley. “Getting producer perspectives will be valuable to active dairy goat producers who are looking to improve their management or housing.”

Dates and topics:

  • Sept. 21 – "Producer Perspectives," panel participants to be determined.
  • Oct. 26 – "What Do We Know about Dry Treating Dairy Goats?," Michelle Buckley, post-doctoral associate at Iowa State University.
  • Nov. 16 – "Dairy Goat Cost of Production, Marlene Paibomesai," dairy specialist, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
  • Dec. 21 – "Milk Quality Investigations," Cathy Bauman, assistant professor, Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, Ontario.

The webinars continue to be popular among participants, with more than 200 people registered so far, and average session attendance of about 50-60 people.

There is no fee to attend a session; however, registration is required. Register in advance for this meeting at or contact Jennifer Bentley, dairy specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach, at, 563-382-2949.

Registrants will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Information will also be provided about future webinars, as dates and topics are announced.

This work is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Agricultural and Food Research Initiative Competitive Program, Antimicrobial Resistance number: 2020-04197.

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