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DFO and Toronto Raptors host Day to Shine youth event at Woolner Park

As we continue to support our communities, Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) and the Toronto Raptors, hosted the Day to Shine, an all-day event for the youth in the community at Woolner Park in west Toronto. The day included a milk and cereal breakfast and pizza lunch, a skills competition, a basketball clinic, and fun activations!

In 2022, DFO worked with the City of Toronto and Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment to revitalize the basketball court to motivate Ontario youth and inspire them to realize their untapped potential. This summer, MilkUP is continuing the work by providing the youth with an 8-week summer basketball program complete with cheese pizza lunches and cold milk every Saturday.

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This Is Going To Be A Nightmare!

Video: This Is Going To Be A Nightmare!

This year has been anything but normal, and after Day 1 of combine harvesting, it's very evident this harvest is going to be a nightmare. With the 13-inch rain event hammering our fields in June, the effects still linger as the season comes to an end. The massive flooding made our corn very short and highly variable in moisture, which is making it extremely difficult to properly set the farm equipment. Join me in today’s video as we take on harvest Day 1 and learn why this year is very different from a normal harvest season for our farm