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Dairy Farmers of Ontario’s (DFO) Board held a special meeting to elect the Board Executive for 2020.
  • Murray Sherk, Board Member Region 8, was re-elected as Chair;
  • Nick Thurler, Board Member Region 2 was elected as Vice-Chair;
  • Mark Hamel, Board Member Region 11, was elected as 2nd Vice-Chair;
  • Arlene Minott was re-appointed as Secretary to the Board;
  • Rey Moisan was re-appointed as Treasurer to the Board.
As confirmed by DFO’s Board on November 12, 2019, new Board Members Adam Petherick (Region 4) began his four-year term and Vicky Morrison (Region 9) continued the remainder of the four-year term from 2017, effective today.
The DFO Board, executive management team and staff congratulate outgoing Board Directors Sid Atkinson (Region 4) and Paul Vis (Region 9) on their retirement, and thank them for their many contributions during their time on the Board.
The following comments were offered to agricultural media:
“Coming out of a successful Dairy Farmers of Ontario annual general meeting this week, the Board held its annual executive board election,” said DFO Board Chair Murray Sherk. “I am pleased to confirm that Nick Thurler has been voted Vice-Chair and Mark Hamel has been voted 2nd Vice-Chair.
“Nick is a seasoned and well-respected dairy farmer, and since joining the Board last year, Mark has proven himself a thoughtful and credible leader. Both Nick and Mark are well aware of the issues facing our industry, and have been integral in helping us transition into a more strategic organization.
“I look forward to working closely with both of them in their capacities on DFO’s Board Executive.”
Source : Dairy Farmers of Ontario

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