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Director Nominations Open in Four Alberta Canola Regions

Bring your perspective to the table and make a difference. Nominations are open until October 31, 2023 for growers in regions 2, 5, 8 and 11 to serve as a Director on the Board of the Alberta Canola Producers Commission – that means you!

Download a nominations form to let your name stand to work alongside fellow farmers on the Board and to represent canola growers in your region and collaborate with decision makers to drive the industry forward.

Who can become a Director?
Anyone who has paid a service charge on canola to Alberta Canola since August 1, 2021 is an eligible producer and can stand as a Director. Eligible producers can be individuals or represent a corporation, partnership, or organization. In order to be nominated, eligible producers must grow canola within the defined region but do not have to reside within it.

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