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Diverse Field Crops Cluster showcases seven special crops at Ag in Motion 2019

The new Diverse Field Crops Cluster (DFCC) invites you to visit booth #490 at Ag in Motion (AIM), an outdoor farm expo at Langham, SK from July 16-18, 2019. DFCC is an agri-science cluster which supports the research and development of seven special crops: camelina, canaryseed, flax, hemp, mustard, quinoa and sunflower. 
Ag in Motion 2019 is an opportunity for DFCC crop members to connect with producers. Visitors will have a chance to see the crops at various growth stages, learn how these high-potential crops could benefit their operations, and hear about the research programs underway. 
Carol Ann Patterson, DFCC’s project manager, says anyone actively farming, or with an interest in agriculture on the Prairies, should attend AIM 2019. “It’s a great show. I hope to see a lot of producers visiting us in booth #490. DFCC is a new research initiative and we are really excited to share information about our research programs and goals!”
Diversifying the cropping mix helps extend rotations, break disease and pest cycles, and insulate producers from the volatility of commodity price cycles. DFCC’s goal is to increase the production and market value of these crops by focusing on variety development, crop protection, agronomy, and value-added processing. 
DFCC is led by Ag-West Bio, with over $13 million in funding from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership’s AgriScience Program. Additional industry contributions of nearly $11 million brings the value of the cluster to over $24 million. The crops under the DFCC umbrella are represented by Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission, Canaryseed Development Commission of Saskatchewan, National Sunflower Association of Canada, Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance, Mustard 21 Canada Inc, NorQuin (quinoa), and Linnaeus Plant Sciences Inc./Smart Earth Seeds (camelina).
Source : AgWest

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