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Division of Ag Annual Bestsellers Can Help You Manage Weeds, Pests and Diseases

By Ryan McGeeney 
New editions of the most-referenced annual publications from the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture are now available for online download and through your local Cooperative Extension Service office.
The 2018 editions of MP44 (“Recommended Chemicals for Weed and Brush Control for Arkansas”), MP144 (“Insecticide Recommendations for Arkansas”) and MP154 (“Arkansas Plant Disease Control Products Guide”) — along with hundreds of other publications — can be found in electronic form by visiting Publications can be downloaded in PDF form at no cost.
The publications are also widely available from your local CES agent. Contact your local CES office to see if they have your desired publication on hand; if they don’t have it, they will order it for you.
Dr. Vic Ford, Interim Associate Director - Agriculture and Natural Resources for the Division of Agriculture, said the publications are a reflection of the most up-to-date research and recommendations available to producers from the Division of Agriculture’s agronomists and other researchers.
“Recommendations change yearly based on research results, the availability of pesticides, and government regulations,” Ford said. “The faculty yearly meet and discuss each recommendation. These updates are very important because pesticide labeling changes frequently and more information about economic control is generated.  
“It’s important that the pesticides are applied according to recommendations to insure efficacy and minimal environmental impact,” he said. 
Each publication contains crucial information about pest and disease management, including which chemicals are effective in controlling specific pests and situations, recommended formulations, time of applications and more. The publications also include illustrations describing the best arrangements for application spray nozzles and other key aspects of proper use. 
For the curious, the “MP” stands for “miscellaneous publication.” The Division of Agriculture’s first MP44 was published in 1961, and numbered nine pages; this year's edition numbers about 200 pages.

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