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AEM is committed to sharing and publicizing the latest news about its members and other industry happenings via the association's twice-weekly and award-winning AEM Industry Advisor newsletter.

Is your organization a member of AEM? Does it have relevant news or interesting stories to share with the rest of the association's 1,000-plus members and nearly 25,000 Advisor subscribers? Then you are encouraged to send relevant article ideas, press releases and industry trade publication coverage for potential inclusion in an upcoming edition of the Advisor newsletter.

Has your organization accomplished something interesting or notable recently? Let us know. AEM is not only committed to sharing association happenings and industry news, but also the many successes our members are having on the equipment manufacturing industry. And, as the industry continues to stress the importance of attracting, training and retaining skilled employees, as well as supporting a sustainable world, AEM is particularly interested in sharing member success stories in the areas of workforce development and sustainability.

Have a story to share? Be sure to reach out. Are you currently not receiving the AdvisorSubscribe now.

AEM member news is among the most popular and well-read sections of the Advisor, as its headlines reach more than 24,000 equipment manufacturing industry professionals twice per week. Topics covered in the member news section often include:

  • Member financial results
  • Significant personnel changes
  • New or expanded facilities
  • Layoffs and closings
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Joint ventures

Have some news to share with AEM and its members via the Advisor? Want to provide some thoughts and feedback regarding issues and topics to be covered in an upcoming edition? Please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact your Account Success Advisor.

Source : AEM

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How women saved agricultural economics and other ideas for why diversity matters | Jill J. McCluskey

Video: How women saved agricultural economics and other ideas for why diversity matters | Jill J. McCluskey

Dr. Jill J. McCluskey, Regents Professor at Washington State University and Director of the School of Economic Science

Dr. McCluskey documents that women entered agricultural economics in significant numbers starting in the 1980s, and their ranks have increased over time. She argues that women have increased the relevance in the field of agricultural economics through their diverse interests, perspectives, and experiences. In their research, women have expanded the field's treatment of non-traditional topics such as food safety and nutrition and environmental and natural resource economics. In this sense, women saved the Agricultural Economics profession from a future as a specialty narrowly focused on agricultural production and markets. McCluskey will go on to discuss some of her own story and how it has shaped some of her thinking and research. She will present her research on dual-career couples in academia, promotional achievement of women in both Economics and Agricultural Economics, and work-life support programs.

The Daryl F. Kraft Lecture is arranged by the Department of Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics, with the support of the Solomon Sinclair Farm Management Institute, and in cooperation with the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences.