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Does Ag Need Biofuels? – A Recap Of Growth Energy’s Executive Leadership Conference

Agriculture leaders came together last week to discuss why biofuels are so important to the industry. At Growth Energy’s Executive Leadership Conference, NCGA past President and Chairman Chip Bowling was part of a panel to discuss the current state of the farm economy and how biofuels can help.
"If the renewable fuels standard stays intact, we will get higher blends of ethanol in the fuel system and that creates higher demand for our corn,” Bowling said. “We also see exports of ethanol as a major way to grind corn immediately. We need to keep pressure on lawmakers in Washington D.C. to strengthen and preserve the RFS. That is the best way to increase profitability for corn farmers!”
Joining Bowling on stage were Mark Poeschl, CEO of the National FFA Organization and National FFA Foundation; Roger Johnson, president of the National Farmers Union; Zippy Duvall, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation; and panel moderator Jeff Broin, chairman and CEO of POET.
The conference kicked-off with Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor outlining the opportunities and challenges the industry will likely face in 2018. “The goal is market share and that means policy should provide a floor, not a ceiling to biofuel consumption,” Skor said. This is our opportunity for a real conversation about how we are expanding domestic and foreign markets, forging new relationships with retailers, and shaping critical policies within the Trump administration and Congress.”
“Consumer engagement is our true north,” Skor added. “Now more than ever before we are focused on opening a new dialogue with consumers. We now know who to talk to, what to say and where to reach them. We know that meaningful change requires meaningful conversation.”
The conference covered a variety of topics ranging from transportation trends to global markets to engine mechanics.

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