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Drought Monitor: Better in Prairies; Drier in Central Canada

Things continued to improve in Western Canada during August, but conditions in central Canada turned notably drier during the month, according to the latest update of the Canadian drought monitor.
Released Friday, the monitor said drought conditions emerged in central Canada as the region received below normal precipitation during the month of August. Departure from normal precipitation in southern and central Ontario was as much as 50 to 100 mm, and 30 to 50 mm in southeastern Quebec in the past 30 days. In the northern agricultural region around Ottawa, the deficit represented a one in 50-year event.
As a result of this short-term precipitation deficit, abnormally dry moderate drought pockets expanded significantly across southern and central Ontario and also southern and eastern Quebec. A severe drought pocket also developed around Ottawa.
However, the monitor noted that the drier conditions in central Canada are considered “short term in nature.”
Meanwhile, conditions across the Prairies continued to improve in all regions during the month of August due to above normal precipitation the last few months. But despite above normal precipitation, small pockets of moderate drought and abnormally dry conditions remain and long-term impacts linger from spring drought conditions.
“Despite adequate or abundant rainfall in July and August, as well as significantly improved pasture conditions through August, hay production and feed supplies continue to be a significant concern for agricultural producers throughout the region as a result of intense drought conditions in the spring.”
Drought continues in southern Alberta despite small improvements over the month, allowing the removal of the severe drought and reducing the moderate drought pocket considerably.
Saskatchewan experienced the greatest improvement of the Prairie provinces having received 150% (60 to 100 mm) of normal precipitation in August in most southern regions. Only small pockets of abnormally dry conditions remained around Kindersley, between North Battleford to Prince Albert and along parts of the eastern border due to long-term conditions.
Manitoba has received near normal precipitation in August, with central areas having now received 60 to 85% of average growing season precipitation. Abnormally dry conditions remain across much of eastern and parts of northern Manitoba due to long term precipitation deficits and poor soil moisture conditions, the monitor said.
Source : Syngenta

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