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Dry September Weather Keeps Alberta Harvest Moving

Another week or so should just about wrap up an Alberta harvest that continues to progress at a quicker than normal pace amid mostly dry September weather in much of the province. 

The weekly crop Friday pegged the harvest of major crops (spring wheat, oats, barley, canola and dry peas) at 88% complete as of Tuesday, up from 76% a week earlier and well ahead of the five- and 10-year averages of 57% and 63%. 

Except for the Peace region, Alberta saw well below normal September precipitation, “allowing harvest to proceed without significant interruption,” the report said. 

An estimated 97% of crops were harvested in the South region as of Tuesday, followed by the North East at 90%, the Central at 86%, the Peace at 81%, and the North West at 75%. Spring wheat, barley and dry peas are nearing completion at 95, 95 and 99% harvested respectively. Oats, at 86% harvested, and canola, at 75%, are the major crops with significant acreage left still standing or in the swath. However, over the past week, combining of canola has increased from 54% completion to 75%, with an additional 14% swathed.  

Only 7% of major crops in Alberta are now left standing, much lower than the five-year average of 24%. 

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