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DuPont Pioneer Limited Introduction Qrome™ Corn Products

From DuPont Pioneer  

DuPont Pioneer announced today the limited commercial introduction of its Pioneer® brand Qrome™ products for the 2017 growing season. Over 100 growers in the western U.S. Corn Belt will plant these new, high-yielding products that feature a triple stack of multiple insect protection traits, including two modes of action to control corn rootworm.  

“We’re excited for growers to begin experiencing this innovative trait technology,” said Steve Reno, DuPont Pioneer vice president, regional business director – U.S. & Canada. “Through a sophisticated, efficient molecular breeding process, we’ve developed a product package that combines top-tier genetics, strong defensive traits and advanced seed treatments.”

Across the Pioneer corn product lineup, Qrome products show leading yields within a broad range of elite genetic platforms. In multi-year testing, Qrome products consistently delivered 4- to 7- bushels per acre yield improvement over legacy triple-stack technology.

Qrome products are approved for cultivation in the United States and Canada and have received import approval in a number of importing countries. DuPont Pioneer continues to pursue additional import approvals for Qrome products, including in China, in accordance with Excellence Through Stewardship Product Launch Guidance.

The limited commercial introduction of Pioneer brand Qrome products will allow participating western U.S. Corn Belt growers to benefit from this new technology. These growers will implement certain stewardship responsibilities, including using harvested grain for local or on-farm livestock feeding. Other growers across the U.S. Corn Belt also will be able to see how Qrome products perform locally through Pioneer managed product knowledge plots.

Some of those plots are part of the nationwide “Unlock Your Yield Tour,” which showcases the technology behind Qrome products. The tour vehicle – a custom, stainless steel Timpte® Super Hopper grain trailer – has traveled over 15,000 miles to industry and grower events since August. The tour’s last stop will be at the 2017 Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Ill., where Pioneer will donate the Timpte trailer to the National FFA Organization for auction. All proceeds will support National FFA’s mission to make a positive difference in the lives of students. Richie Bros. Auctioneers will facilitate the auction, which will accept both live and online bids.


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