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E-commerce and exporting webinar

This webinar focuses on the logistics, customs and regulatory aspects of e-commerce.
‘With the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the shift in online shopping, e-commerce offers tremendous opportunities for Alberta industry,' says Evan Buie, international initiatives officer with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry.
‘We hosted a webinar in February to provide information to companies who wanted to learn more about e-commerce. If you missed the live webinar, you can now access the recording online.’
This webinar covered topics such as the basic documentation requirements of exporting overseas, packaging and labelling, handling returns, as well as marketplaces, fulfillment centres and third-party logistics.
‘I have been in the agriculture industry for many years and have sold products all over the world, yet I still managed to learn something new watching Evan’s webinar,’ says Pat McCarthy, owner of Beef Canada and Bison Canada.
‘With everything shifting to the virtual world, it’s more important than ever to have a good understanding of e-commerce and how to get your products to market or you simply won’t survive.’
Source : alberta

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