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Early Ontario Winter Wheat Yields Average

The Ontario winter wheat harvest is well underway, although fieldwork is now delayed following heavy rain Wednesday from the remnants of Hurricane Beryl. 

The latest field observations from Grain Farmers of Ontario on Thursday said the harvest was wrapping up in the deep southwest part of the province before Beryl put a damper on things. The report estimated the provincewide harvest at approximately 10 to 20% complete. Harvest is expected to become more common across the province as conditions dry up. 

So far, wheat is coming off close to dry in the 16 to 13% range, “with average yields and good quality.” However, the report cautioned growers to be on the lookout for signs of fusarium. 

Meanwhile, the Ontario winter barley harvest is now wrapping up, with spring cereals closing in on the boot to head stages. 


Early planted corn is nearing the end of the vegetative stage, and the number of potential kernels is finalizing. Tassel emergence in the earlier planted fields is expected shortly. Tar spot was confirmed in Ontario on July 5 in Elgin County. This is like other years, with ideal canopy and environmental conditions for this time of year.   


Soybean stages range from still in vegetative growth to R2 (full bloom). Double-crop soybeans are being planted after winter wheat when possible.   

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Video: In the Markets - Mike Zuzolo

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